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The Future of Corporate Offices: Fun Ways to Get Your Employees Back into the Office


Time to read 4 min

In today's work environment, employers have to work harder than ever to convince their team to come into the office - the option to work from home is a tough competitor! Fostering a positive and enjoyable atmosphere can significantly boost employee morale, productivity, and bring the team closer. Here are five innovative ideas to inject some fun into your office space.

1. Host a Puppy Party

Adorable dalmatian sitting on a cushion.

Transform your office into a paradise of wagging tails and wet noses! Partner with the leader in puppy-centric wellness events across North America, Puppysphere, a company that brings adorable puppies to your workplace for a few hours of cuddling and play. This unique experience not only reduces stress but also promotes bonding among coworkers.

Pro Tip: Studies show that interacting with animals can lower blood pressure and increase oxytocin levels, promoting a sense of well-being. (News in Health)

You can reach out to if you’re interested in setting up a puppy party for your team.

2. Create a Fun Activity Calendar

Two puppies in front of a candlelit bowl.

Designate different days for unexpected bursts of enjoyment. These small but regular injections of fun can give employees something to look forward to each week. Consider scheduling surprise snack days, costume party days and group meditation days.

Pro Tip: Consider scheduling fun activities on the days which have historically been the slowest in your office!

3. Set Up a Scavenger Hunt

Happy puppies taking a break from playing and napping.

Organise a scavenger hunt that encourages employees to explore different parts of the office and interact with colleagues they might not usually work with. You could even plant prizes and goodies along the way such as candies and company swag.

Pro Tip: For even more engagement, consider running the hunt over a week, with daily clues and tasks.

4. Gamified Brainstorming Sessions

A clean Puppysphere yoga studio in Miami.

Transform your problem-solving meetings into engaging games to boost creativity and participation. By turning brainstorming into a fun, competitive activity, you can energise your team and generate more innovative ideas. Try implementing techniques like "Idea Ball," where participants toss a soft ball to each other and must contribute an idea when they catch it, or "Speed Ideation," where teams compete to generate the most ideas in a set time frame. For a fresh perspective, consider "Role Reversal," where employees brainstorm from the viewpoint of different stakeholders or even competitors. By gamifying your brainstorming sessions, you'll not only make meetings more enjoyable but also tap into your team's collective creativity, potentially leading to breakthrough solutions and fostering a culture of innovation.

5. Create a Recharge Room

A happy Puppysphere staff member taking care of puppies.

Designate a space in the office for relaxing or fun activities to help employees recharge during the workday. Gauge what your employees would value having access to, this might be a coffee bar, ping pong table or just a quiet room with comfortable seating to meditate in. 

Pro Tip: Choose a quiet area away from main work zones to minimise disruption.

6. Install a Culture Wall

A puppy resting in the arms of an attendee.

Create a dedicated space for employees to express themselves and share their experiences with a "Culture Wall." This interactive area can serve as a vibrant focal point in the office, featuring a photo area where employees can post snapshots of team events, achievements, or personal milestones. A culture wall fosters a sense of community, celebrates diversity, and helps employees feel more connected to their workplace and colleagues.

7. Organise Office Olympics

Boost team spirit and encourage friendly competition by hosting a series of fun, office-themed competitive events in your very own Office Olympics. Create office-appropriate versions of Olympic events, such as chair racing (time trials for racing office chairs down a hallway), paper airplane distance throws, speed typing competitions, or desk item stacking contests. This event not only promotes teamwork but also brings a sense of playfulness to the office and provides a shared experience for employees to bond over, creating lasting memories and strengthening workplace relationships.

Pro Tip: Award fun, office-themed medals or trophies for the winners.

8. Create a Passion Project Program

Empower your employees and foster innovation by allocating time for them to work on personal projects that align with company goals. Dedicate a certain number of hours per month (for example, 4-8 hours) for passion projects, with the guideline that these projects should have potential benefits for the company or improve work processes.This initiative encourages creativity and innovation, gives employees a sense of ownership and autonomy in their work, and might even lead to breakthrough ideas that benefit the entire company.

Pro Tip: Host monthly or quarterly "show and tell" sessions where employees can present their projects, sharing their progress and ideas with colleagues.

9. Establish a Random Coffee Chat Program

Break down silos and foster cross-departmental relationships by implementing a "Random Coffee" program. Use a system or app to randomly pair employees from different departments each week for casual coffee meetups. Encourage these pairs to spend 15-30 minutes getting to know each other over coffee or tea, discussing their roles, interests, or any topic that comes to mind. This program not only improves interdepartmental communication but can also lead to unexpected collaborations and innovations, creating a more connected and dynamic workplace.

Pro Tip: For remote teams, set up virtual coffee dates via video call to ensure everyone can participate.

10. Design an Office-Wide Escape Room Experience

Transform a section of your office into an exciting, themed escape room for a unique team-building experience. Choose a theme relevant to your industry or company history to make it more engaging and meaningful for employees. Create a series of puzzles that require teamwork and utilise various skills, designing the experience to last 60-90 minutes. This immersive activity promotes problem-solving, communication, and teamwork in a fun environment, while also potentially highlighting employees' hidden talents and skills that might be valuable in their day-to-day work.

Pro Tip: After each session, hold a debrief to discuss the experience, highlighting teamwork and problem-solving strategies used.

Remember, the key to successfully implementing these ideas is to ensure they align with your company culture and don't interfere with important work responsibilities. Regularly gather feedback from employees to refine and improve these initiatives. With the right balance, these fun additions can lead to a more vibrant, creative, and productive workplace.